Greek, Roman and Filipino Influences Found in the Manila Cathedral


The present architecture was designed by Fernando Ocampo, featuring a Neoclassic Romanesque facade.

The columns are of Corinthian style, which originated from the Greeks.

The sculptures found outside, near the main entrance, are made out of Roman travertine stone.

The church features a Latin text. Translated in English it means "To thee in thy heart, oh Immaculate, entrust and consecrate from us." 

A part of the church also has a dome, which began during the Roman Architectural Revolution. The one that has been seen in the Pantheon of the Romans. 

The architect of the Manila Cathedral was a Filipino named Fernando Ocampo. He is known to be a 
church painter. 

The stained glass windows located inside were made by another Filipino, Galo Ocampo. He is also a veteran in the arts.